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Seward County Detention Center

Director: Brandon Noordhoek
Phone:  402-643-9453
FAX:  (402) 643-0175
Location:  261 South 8th Street, Suite 099 Seward, NE  68434


  • The only Bonds handled by the facility are full cash 10%. All other bonds are handled by the Court of Jurisdiction.

  • If the bond is paid in cash it must be for the exact amount as the Detention Center will not make change.

  • Monies for bond will be accepted 24 hours a day 7 days per week in the front lobby of the Justice Center by using the Kiosk. (Fee’s Apply)

  • If you are not from this area and have someone who can post bond, have them obtain a cashier’s check made out to the court of jurisdiction for the full amount of bond owed and have them mail it overnight to the Seward County Detention Center, 261 S 8th St. Suite 099 Seward, NE 68434.

  • If the inmate is unable to post bond the Detention Center will from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday, excluding holidays contact the court and advise them the inmate is in custody. The Court will then contact the Detention Center when they want the inmate brought up for a bond hearing.

  • Twenty four (24) hours after bond has been set the defendant can request a bond review hearing (If the defendant has an attorney that request must come from the attorney).

  • All contacts with the court must be made through the U.S. mail System.

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